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Java3D Table Virtual World Features
- The table is created with 4 legs.
- There are 7 objects (a lamp, a lightened box next to the lamp with a shade plane, an un-lightened lod, an image texture, a cart, a collision sensor and a water pool) that sit on the table top. In addition, there are 3 objects (the clock, the 3D photo and the moving star) in the universe, which is out of the table plane.
- The 3D wall image texture on the table is capable of being dragged across the table top by click and holding the left mouse key while dragging.
- The red lod will be translated to the predefined upper coordinated location back and forth while the mouse key is clicked.
- The 3D wall image texture will rotate in place with angle of 1 as the mouse key is clicked.
- The lighting effect is shown during the cycle of the moving of the star.
- The red lod will be translated to the predefined upper coordinated location back and forth while the mouse key is clicked.
- The 3D wall image texture will rotate in place with angle of 1 as the mouse key is clicked.
- The lighting effect is shown during the cycle of the moving of the star.
- The objects that exhibit behavior by cutomized Behavior class:a star is animated to move around the table and the water stand creates water pool. A clock is animated with ticking of clock. The cart is animated to move back and forth.
- All objects except the box are geometry objects created by LineArray, LineStripArray, TriangleFanArray, TriangleStripArray, QuadArray and IndexedQuadArray to replace the feature of VRML IndexedFaceSet node.
- All objects except the box are geometry objects created by LineArray, LineStripArray, TriangleFanArray, TriangleStripArray, QuadArray and IndexedQuadArray to replace the feature of VRML extrusion node.
- The table can be dragged to any location by pointing to table and holding mouse key, but to go back to the original location by exit browser and restart the applet for convenience