Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Layer 3 protocol algorithms with SOA XML packets

Pertaining to OSI reference model designated to conventional fixed infrastructure, complex networking, from small world to scale free established network layer routing, proves optimal routing performance measurement. Industrial practices implement the traditional optimization achieved upon traditional link-state and distance-vector algorithmic operations.

Both proactive and reactive path location strategy represent the industrial and engineering activities. Specifically, kernel land from Solaris, user land module from network layer devices such as router and even lower layer switch, packet based tunneling at critical super nodes over hierarchical topological deployment. In addition, an adaptive layer 3 protocol analysis and design would be considered for extension of the reserved 8 bit header to enable the routing control such that the path scheduling and planning algorithms could be interactive with earlier routes. Greedy security routing could be implemented with mini protocol enhancement. However, holding the setting of the classic end-to-end argument within computer science discipline, application layer processes hosted at user land would argue the complex learning or reasoning based packet routing and policy enforcement with the trade-off of processing overhead. Furthermore, taking dynamic and mobile computing, specially ad-hoc or peer-to-peer networks into account, less or no infrastructure with absence of head node, the routing from node level and network level to overlay level will argue the user land model, algorithm and protocol design and implementation.

Hence, packet switch networks tend to hold co-existence of the modular approach design aligned with computer science design principle.

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