Tuesday, November 07, 2006

DS Instance Life cycle

"Disorderly shutdown" message is logged when DS starts and does not find the guardian file that DS writes when it closes the database properly.

Then the server starts and opens the database in recovery mode. If it doesn't start at all, without starting the recovery, it might be a corruption of the config file (dse.ldif). There should be 2 other copies of the dse.ldif in the config directory: dse.ldif.bak (the previous version), dse.ldif.startok (the last one used to start the server). A working dse.ldif can be rebuilt from these files.

If it does go through the recovery mode but fails to recover the database, then you're in trouble. It means that either the DB files are corrupted or the transaction log file is.

One way to quickly recover the server can be to make a backup of another server with the same configuration (other master) and restore it on this server.

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