Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Setup Acer Solaris x86 WIFI

Acer Aspire 9300, Solaris X86, Atheros Wifi NIC
Submitted by spp on Tue, 2006-10-31 12:22.

Got the Atheros 802.11abg NIC working on my new Acer laptop under Solaris X86. I tried to follow the instructions at the atheros driver page, but they are a little out of date. The atheros driver has been integrated into OpenSolaris, so only one or two instructions are correct. However, it did put me on the right track.

First we need to make sure the driver is attached and we can start the interface

1. Find the vendor and device IDs
pci bus 0x0004 cardnum 0x05 function 0x00: vendor 0x168c device 0x001a
Atheros Communications, Inc. AR5005G 902.11abg NIC
2. Check in /etc/driver_aliases for Atheros (ath) mappings. Format of file is 'alias "pciXXXX,YYYY"' where XXXX is "vendor 0xXXXX" and YYYY is "device 0xYYYY" minus any beginning zeros.
#grep ath /etc/driver_aliases
ath "pci168c,13"
ath "pci168c,1014"
3. update the driver to include the new device (note that the single quotes are needed in order to pass through the double quotes
#update_drv -a -i '"pci168c,1a"' ath
4. now, plumb the interface
#ifconfig ath0 plumb
5. either now, or before the plumb, you can find out what wifi access points are available
#wificonfig scan
essid bssid type encryption signallevel
you should see a list here

At this point, the instructions say that if you aren't running authentication, you can just use "ifconfig ath0 dhcp", but I am using encryption, so I moved on to trying to use wificonfig. Unfortunately, there are some mistakes here (possibly out of date and changed, not strictly incorrect). The biggest issue I found was that the instructions always reference using "-i [interface]", but that option isn't valid for most of the configuration (and the error message doesn't really make it easy to see).

1. create a profile to store my ESSID and WEP information in (write-only profile, non-readable). Names changed for security... not that wepkey# has to be the actual WEP key, not the passphrase, which makes life significantly more difficult.
#wificonfig createprofile home essid=HOME encryption=WEP wepkey1=10hexkey
2. activate the profile
#wificonfig connect home
wificonfig: connecting to profile 'home'
3. Now, like the earlier instructions, you can start dhcp
#ifconfig ath0 dhcp
4. And, make sure we have connection
#ifconfig ath0
ath0: flags=201004843 mtu 1500 index 3
inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
ether 0:16:cf:6f:a:92

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