Thursday, September 27, 2007

DS database mini cache size heristrics

dbase cache at least enough to hold the indexes. It is true that during search DS first read the indexes then the entries, but I would not make any assumption about what it means for the database cache. Usually when coding a cache algorithm. It is true for the entry cache and the changelog cache, but I do not know if it is also true for the DB cache.

When there is not enough space to add some data, the data that was not used since the oldest time are removed and the new one replace it. LRU, MRU.

So if you have not enough data for both kind of data, you will rather ends up with the most frequently used indexes and entries pages staying in the cache while the others go in and out
IMHO, There is probably no "priority" about indexes versus entries ...

In modify things are much more complex: dn2entryid index is read first then entry then all the indexes are read.

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