Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Solaris motd issue

(1) Here is how login(1) routine works
/usr/sbin/quota (check quota)
/bin/cat -s /etc/motd (print motd)
/bin/mail -E (check mail)

(2) Here is how mibiisa(1M) works as SNMP agent utility
motd is part of sunsystem group for general
system information reporting. The first line
of /etc/motd. (string[255])

(3) For JES link, I have JESQ4 on my system, it does
not show the link. Have you check which component
create the link ?

(4) A few line D code below may help you to discover the issue

performance analysis for the alogrithm
counts the cost the steps of the random
access machine which is to modeled for
the instrumentation.

Consequently, higher level syscall
symlink(*char* *target , *char* *linkname)
tracing seems friendly for the implementation
of the code. It does not give a plus to performance
Therefore, I would keep the routine as close to
the I/O layer in order to mini the cost of the
delegation of the layered kernel architecture.

I would suggest to add directive as condition
rule to point to the path to the motd in order
to filter out the I/O.

the link and rename only. AI and Algoritm
calculation does make sense. The
implementation of my AI and Algorithm
is enhanced as code below.

Please let me know if it works on your system

#! /usr/sbin/dtrace -s
#pragma D option quiet

printf("%15s %40s\n", "Executable", "LinkFileName");
/* Please note input here is link file name not path */
/stringof(args[1]) == $$1/
printf("%15s %40s\n", execname,stringof(args[1]));

In addition, you can seperate the R/W to further
narrow down the report.

Here is a script that will print the time, name of the executable,
and ptree output when anyone tries to link /etc/motd

#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -wqs

printf("Caught the culprit\n");
printf("%20s\t %-20Y\n", "Time",walltimestamp);
printf("%20s\t %-10d\n", "Process id",pid);
printf("%20s\t %-20s\n", "Name of Executable" ,execname);
system("ptree %d",pid);
system("prun %d",pid);

Also if they want to use DTrace to automatically avoid the process
from creating the link they can use the script below. This would cause
any link to /etc/motd to become a link to /tmp/motd and then remove the
/tmp/motd file.

#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -wqs

printf("Caught the culprit\n");
printf("%20s\t %-20Y\n", "Time",walltimestamp);
printf("%20s\t %-10d\n", "Process id",pid);
printf("%20s\t %-20s\n", "Name of Executable" ,execname);
system("ptree %d",pid);
system("prun %d",pid);
system("rm /tmp/motd");

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