Thursday, March 16, 2006

Wireless TCP

Traditional TCP does not serve the wirless connection efficiently due to the conventional TCP design assumption on the congestion control and "friendly design" of the protocols. This leads to the slow start and fast retransmit/fast recovery. High Error Rate, mobility caused packet dropping and TCP's fundermental issue for the time-out of the missing ack casued by congestion means classic TCP does not work for mobile computing.

UDP leaves the reliable and retranmission to the application layer.

Improved TCP (ITCP) such as Indirect TCP using accessing point or FA for Mobile Node. Segementing TCP connection into 2 connections. Snooping TCP uses FA or access buffers all data packets. Mobile TCP uses SH-MI connections and persistent mode to resolve the issues. Selective retransmission is the good solution for the test. Transaction-oriented TCP combine the packes for connection establishment and connection release with user data packets to reduce the packet for 3 ways handshakes (WAP does the similar things). Header compressionn does the work to for gaming apps.

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