Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Solaris 10 network configuration


To change the Ethernet address for interface ce1, use the
following command:

ifconfig ce1 ether aa:1:2:3:4:5

allocates a specific logical interface associated with the
physical interface ce1. The command

ifconfig ce1 addif up

(3) Solaris TCP/IP allows multiple logical interfaces to be
associated with a physical network interface. This allows a
single machine to be assigned multiple IP addresses, even
though it may have only one network interface. Physical net-
work interfaces have names of the form driver-name
physical-unit-number, while logical interfaces have names of
the form driver-name physical-unit-number:logical-unit-
number. A physical interface is configured into the system
using the plumb command. For example:

ifconfig ce1 plumb

(4) If your workstation is not attached to an Ethernet, the net-
work interface, for example, ce1, should be marked "down"
as follows:

ifconfig ce1 down

(5)To delete a logical interface, use the unplumb or removeif

ifconfig ce1 down unplumb

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